There’s always a YUUUGE disconnect between ‘real’ news and the crap they shovel to the sheep on Bullshit Mountain,

The important news that the clowns ignore and the Bullshit they put in headlines...
But today was kinda off the chart. I can totally see that once you give up the desire for ‘real’ news and go to the propaganda site, imagined and created by Murdoch/Ailes, for those who only want the Pub version of facts, that you would ‘never go back’.
After a few days/weeks of swallowing this crap you’d hate the Dems SOOO much, that you’d do ANYTHING, even embrace a Russian backed, Pathological Liar like Dotard, to keep the country from ‘them damned Libtards.’
Rupert and Roger would be SO PROUD of the shitpile they’ve created, where facts just don’t matter, and you can create whatever ‘reality’ you want the sheep to swallow.


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