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File it under, ‘Good job, Dotard,’ for screwing around, disbanding th Pandemic Response Team, and LYING about COVID instead of dealing with it.

The E.U. is prepared to bar American travelers when it reopens borders July 1 because the U.S. has not controlled the virus, according to draft lists.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:30 PM EST
That prospect, which would lump American visitors in with Russians and Brazilians as unwelcome, is a stinging blow to American prestige in the world and a repudiation of President Trump’s handling of the virus in the United States, which has more than 2.3 million cases and upward of 120,000 deaths, more than any other country.
President Trump, as well as his Russian and Brazilian counterparts, Vladimir V. Putin and Jair Bolsonaro, has followed what critics call a comparable path in their pandemic response that leaves all three countries in a similarly bad spot: they were dismissive at the outset of the crisis and slow to respond to scientific advice.
In other words, typical Dotard bullshit, that only the gullible, ignorant sheep can ignore.


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