If I swallowed that crap I’d hate Dems too, although I’m an Independent who isn’t a huge Biden fan. According to the FOXClowns, who were against vaccination, before they were for it, it’s CDC/Biden’s fault that they weren’t able to predict what would happen with COVID and the ‘variants’ after the morons(R) swallowed Dotard’s crap and decided NOT to get vaccinated. Just like what smallpox, polio, measles etc woulda done IF we’d had a FOXLies around at the time, trying to cover for a Pathological Liar in the White House, who abolished the Pandemic Response Team, right when it was most needed. BUT, don’t bother the head up their ass crowd with facts, or science, cuz they’re immune, thanks to FOX, and wouldn’t recognize truth/fact if it bit them in their stretched out ass. Wow, if only the Dems woulda picked a serial philandering, financially/morally bankrupt, tax cheating, Russian-backed, fake Christian, golf cheater, COVID-denying, insurrection inciting, NYC conman/Pathologica...