I can understand a difference of opinion between the Libs and Cons, which is MOSTLY urban vs rural,

 BUT, the love affair between the Christian/Joe Lunchbucket and a NYC conman stretches my imagination, until you figure FOX into the equation, where the entire message is Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, cuz it’s an existential WAR between good and evil. And the sheep swallow every word from Sean and clowns of Bullshit Mountain.

So to me the real question is – “What is happening with the 70 million Americans who voted (twice!) for a repulsive, bigoted con man, buffoon and psychopath – a man who makes Rodney Dangerfield look like a cultured intellectual?”


And what we know for sure at this point is that this is precisely the appeal of Trump to these 70 million – that he is monstrously crude, vicious, bigoted, pompous, bombastic, narcissistic and proudly ignorant.  That’s their idea of a role model – or a Savior.  Trump’s utter dysfunction as a human being is “a feature, not a bug”.

Again, I’m gonna steal a quote/thought from my buddy Dave.

And Trump is their Savior – because he’s what all the men wish they could be - insanely wealthy (or so they believe) while still being a boorish and bigoted vulgarian who pours catsup all over his burnt steaks – and who all the women wish they could barely tolerate (like Melania does so well) in exchange for a wallet full of unlimited credit cards.


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