The Pubs have a new ‘catch phrase’, cuz they like short, catchy LIES for their double digit IQ base.

 Just like ‘They’re gonna TAKE your GUNS’, their new ‘Defund the Police’ is bullshit, but effective for their ‘fact challenged’ base.

Defunding the police, in Pub propaganda means stripping the budget from police departments, putting them out of business and letting the criminals rule the streets.

BUT, in reality, defunding the police is a (bad) term to mean spreading the police dept budget to include psychologists, family crisis experts and mental health workers to relieve the burdens on officers so they can do their job, which is Protecting the Public, more effectively,

The Pubs love to muddy the water with bullshit like Stolen Election, Voter Fraud, Taking your guns and Bibles, Outlawing Christmas and a bunch of other ‘bullshit buzzwords’ designed to rile the sheep.

And it works, so expect more, as their main plan is selling The Big Lie, which has tentacles in every direction, cuz if you can swallow that crap they(R) will shovel even more shit down your throat.


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