The propaganda machine at FOX reported this fact like it was BAD for the Dems.

The Democratic Party does not wish to admit it has become the party of wealth.

 Bullshit! It’s no secret, except for the head in their ass crowd, that Dem states/towns/cities/ neighborhoods have more money than Pubs. Education=income=being/becoming Dem.

Pubs love to believe/pretend that they are the educated high earners. Bullshit! They are, for the most part, the low education, low income, tax-money sucking Bible Belt Base, in their low/min wage job that supports the LIES of Dotard and rightwing media.

Here’s the ‘damning’ FOX headline, ha ha.

The secret that Biden, Obama, Hillary won't say aloud about today's Democratic Party

In the recent presidential primaries and general election, 17 of the 20 wealthiest ZIP codes gave more money to Democratic candidates than to Republicans

Think about it, rightwingnuts.....


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