It has long been (rightfully) said that Lottery Tickets are sold to those who don’t understand math, and it’s true.

 Unfortunately, those who can least afford them buy the tickets with a one in seventeen million chance of winning.

In a way, the same can be said about the anti-vaxxers, with those who don’t understand math OR science going against the odds, cuz they don’t they just don’t get it, after getting their medical advice from a political network.

The VERY SMALL chance of being harmed by a vaccine is dwarfed by the very real chance of getting COVID, with a one in a hundred chance of death or permanent harm.

But try explaining that to a moron(R) who just heard Sean (although he and his family have been vaccinated) rant about the Dems’ ‘hoax’. I should have long ago given up on trying to use logic n anyone who gets their news from a Propaganda Network and can look at the Pathological Liar and say, ‘that’s my guy’.

Do they think they’ll get the same care that Dotard had when he got COVID?

Bottom line, screw ‘em(R), let em’ get COVID, but I just hate all the peripheral damage caused the the idiots that keep us from herd immunity and relegating COVID, which keeps mutating and getting worse, to the same fate as mumps, measles, polio and smallpox.


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