A few months ago, I asked a close relative what he thought about the $786,000,000 payment from FOX, for LYING to their listeners about Dominion Voting Systems, to keep their gullible audience.

 He said he hadn’t heard about it. 

Oh really?

And this was MANY days later.

He was/is a loyal FOX listener who gets his news from Bullshit Mountain. 

And I’m shocked he hadn’t heard of it?

When I said there is maybe a reason he hadn’t heard such a yuuuge news story, he freaked out and accused me of being an out of touch Lib.

Why am I not surprised, as the FOXSheep have no clue about anything that isn’t anti-Dem?

Same old shit, from the Propaganda Channel loyal listeners, who are totally uninformed/misinformed while they think ‘Wow, we know what’s happening’, cuz we listen to FOX!


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