Some facts here, that the FOXSheep will never hear.

 Bullshit Mountain blamed poor old Joe for the attack on Israel, cuz they new money from Iran. The clowns claimed the $6 Bil that was Irans oil money, held cuz of sanctions, and released cuz of international law, along with US prisoners, was given toHamas, who used it to attack Israel.

Total bullshit, reported by Bullshit Mountain, and swallowed by the gullible ignorant sheep.

The facts:

The money was released to a bank in Qatar, and hasn’t been accessed yet.

Any transfer must be for humanitarian reasons and be approved by a panel.

ZERO dollars yet.

Could go on, but if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, cuz you get your ‘news’ from a Repub propaganda outlet.

DUH, you get a bunch of LIES, just like from Boss Hogg, and you swallow it like a pig on corn.

C’mon, show me where I’m wrong, as I watch the first snow of the year, fall gently on the golf course in my back yard….


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