Read part of an interview that the new Repub speaker, Mike Johnson, had with Hannity and I gotta admit. There may be hope.

 As per the Biden impeachment, which is total bullshit, to shift attention from the Guilty as Hell criminal conman, Don the Con, Mike said to slow down and go where the facts take us. Impeachment is a big deal, not to be taken lightly. Facts are stubborn things, he said, totally veering away from normal Repub bullshit..

Wow, what a concept!

As per LGBTQ rights and gay marriage, he said it’s settled law, AND like abortion, it’s more of a state’s rights thing.

He’s also for funding Ukraine as well as Israel and wants to get going on setting and passing a US budget without delay.

Wow, if this is for real, and he doesn’t get hijacked by the Far Right morons who rule the Repub party, I think I could like this guy.

At least I’m sure gonna give him a chance, as he tries to herd a bunch of rabid, publicity seeking feral cats, who get their marching orders from a morally bankrupt, LYING, arrogant criminal.


Just realized this was from FOX, and he’s a hard right, Christian Nationalist, SOOO, it may all be an act…


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