Usually, after a disaster of this magnitude, Israeli’s pull together. Not this time, under the corrupt, rightwingnut Bibi, who has brought this on, with his terrible leadership.

 Netanyahu is a failed prime minister. He has partnered with radicals who have divided the Israeli nation, antagonized the Palestinians and shelved any chances of peace.

He has presided over years of a failed policy toward the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people more broadly. He will be held responsible for the most traumatic episode in Israel’s history.

“This is unforgivable,” Eitan Ben Eliyahu, the former Israeli air force commander, said Sunday evening of Israel’s leadership. “We must remember that.”

The Repubs are now blaming Biden and Iran, when it was the Far Right in Israel, whose policies caused the tragedy, after Yahu had to partner with them for power, much like KevBaby, but with a whole lot more innocent blood.

Israel was in big trouble BEFORE the raid, and now it’s worse….


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