Trump, though not in office, continues to devastate our country, as his Trumpies shut down the government, continuing to claim he WON the election and refusing to accept the will,of the majority and the findings of over SIXTY courts that ruled on it.

 The morons(R) are killing us, as the country moves toward the debt ceiling and many other important government duties.

Thanks again, Dotard and FOXNews, as you sling LIES to the gullible ignorant sheep who don’t give a shit about facts and reality while they swallow the crap the WANT to be true.

The empty speaker’s chair offers an eloquent metaphor for how internal political chaos is compromising American leadership. It’s also threatening the more-than-two-centuries-long experiment in self-government by the people that relies ultimately on no one getting everything they want but accepting incremental change. That’s a concept that the modern GOP seems to reject – as evidenced by the claims of Donald Trump and many of his acolytes in the House that they have the right to rule even though the former president’s bid for a second term was rejected by voters in 2020. 

Now, our country is starting to pay the price for this foolishness as Trump’s people have effectively shut down the government.


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