Wow, when we heard, ‘we gotta remove this conman from office’, everyone thought it was Boss Hogg they were referring to…

 Led by Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-N.Y.), House Republicans introduced a measure Thursday to force a vote on removing Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress over his history of promoting falsehoods about himself and his campaign.

 “We must remove this conman from office,” D’Esposito said in a statement.

What? A LYING Repub in office?

What ya expect when they’re led by the biggest LIAR in the history of the world!

I try to understand the Pubs, and all I can say is, they LIE, SO MUCH, as per Santos, Boebert,

MTG and especially The Lyin King, that lie’s don’t mean anything to them any more.

They’re just a bunch of F-ing LIARS, and no one is surprised any more.


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