About time...

DENVER -- Colorado is among the first states asking for federal permission to dump the federal No Child Left Behind law. Education Commissioner Robert Hammond says the waiver application would be sent by the end of business Monday.

As I've said before, W hurt us in SO many ways, but one of the worst was NCLB, that forced teachers to 'dumb down' the entire curriculum and teach to the bottom of the barrel. The Bushies then tied financing to education, by a series of tests that don't accurately measure one class, or teacher, or school, or district against others, SO the teachers spend an inordinate amount of time preparing, 'teaching to', and taking the tests, that measure rudimentary skills, rather than challenging and developing the gifted students, that are the leaders of tomorrow. Just another case of GWBush not only wrecking our country, but also the FUTURE of our country. It'll take decades to recover from the damage he and his administration inflicted on the American people.


Anonymous said…
Glad to see you write about what we teachers have to deal with. Thanks.
Fam Guy said…
As of today, ten other states are asking the feds to be realeased from this disastrous program. Tough to do though, after W tied so much funding to his fiasco.

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