Had a problem

with AOL today, and wasted a bunch of time reinstalling software, which gave me a lot of time to read my new book, '11/22/63', by Stephen King. Without giving anything away, it has to do with time travel, and what would happen if someone could go back, and prevent JFK from being killed. The GREAT part of the book, is King's first choice, when time travel became an option. He wants to go to Florida, in 2000, and buy approx 600 votes, which would have given the election to Gore instead of Bush. No shit. I've always known King is a really smart guy, but didn't realize we thought SO much alike. The Kennedy thing was 2nd choice, although it probably makes a better story, but the portal didn't allow that time period. In his new 865 page novel, Stephen King says that his FIRST choice, to help the human race, would have been to keep Bush from being elected. Couldn't have said it better myself, and HAVE said it many times. No one has EVER done more to destroy our way of life. Thank you, Stephen, for agreeing with me. GWBush, the worst thing to ever happen to America. If you can't or won't see that, you just haven't been paying attention, as his little 'recession' grinds on and on and gets worse and worse...


Fam Guy said…
The average person, who doesn't spend a large amount of time studying history and current events, has NO IDEA, how badly GWBush hurt us, in SO many ways. But pay attention, it ain't over.

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