I don't think Occupy Wall St

is going to just disappear, although it's going to change, because 'winter is coming'.

Occupy Wall Street people understand that not only are more difficult times possibly around the corner, they know that the current government will likely do as it has historically done, which is to protect the rich and powerful at the expense of the long term interests of the middle class. OWS talks a lot, too much in fact, about One Percent versus Ninety Nine Percent. As if success itself were a crime. That's a mistake. But what OWS has helped to remind me is that One in Five, which is the REAL unemployment number, is a far more unsettling ratio. Twenty percent unemployment. In the 21st Century United States.There won't be enough cops anywhere in this country to rip down all the tents that are going to pop up in places you never imagined. That's what OWS has taught me.

As Bob Dylan used to sing, 'The times they are a-changin', and it ain't gonna be pretty. The cop in above pic said he sprayed the protesters cuz, 'we were outnumbered and I felt threatened'. Reminds me of the 60's.


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