Today, marks 5 years,

since my first blog post. Wow, time flies when you're having fun, but some things never change.

When I look back to read my first entries, I realize I saw what was coming. I was REALLY pissed off at GWBush, cuz it was obvious, to anyone paying attention, that to understand his administration, all you had to do was, 'follow the money', to HIS people. Whether it was the Big Oil Guys, the defense contractors, Big Money Wall Street regulators (Chris Cox), Forestry Service (way obvious in Colorado), TSA, and Homeland Security (sucking up HUGE money), as well as the Education Dept (No Child Left Behind) where he 'dumbed down' the entire system, or starting a war based on lies, and allowing the housing industry to make 'liar loans', which stole money from every homeowner, and killed the biggest investment most people have. It was/is SO obvious he (and most of his administration) was just in it for the money, which they funneled to themselves and their contributors, mainly Big Oil, whose profits increased by hundreds of billions. Five years later, it is impossible to ignore the damage, as he wrecked our economy and country, though I was ostracized by my family, who kept saying, 'You don't understand, he's a man of God.' Go ahead, show me where I was wrong, five years after I shouted, 'He's killing our country!' Pretty obvious, now, as we struggle, without success, to get back to where we were, when he took over in 2000.
Remember, when life was good, and our country was strong? Before W? It was SO obvious in 2006, before the shit hit the fan in 2008, when I was one of the few pointing it out. What was obvious then is more obvious now, as his policies took down the biggest economy in the world, and now the world follows. And you know what? Five years from now it's gonna be even MORE obvious, cuz the 'Crazy Train' he started down the tracks, is only picking up steam, after his 8 years at the helm.


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