After being away

from 'the news' for about 3 weeks, I see the jerks(R) haven't changed a bit. Let's get the facts clear. No matter how many times the jerks(R) vote to defund Health Care, in the House, (42 times so far) while dodging serious business, the bill has NO CHANCE of advancing past the Senate, and would face a presidential veto if it did, BUT, the 'heads up their ass' party is determined to bring down the govt, rather than paying the debts they have already rung up, as a sign of protest.

“I don’t think in America we should throw tantrums when we lose elections and threaten to shut down the government and refuse to pay the bills,” Ms. McCaskill said on “Fox News Sunday.” “The American people had a choice last November. They had a choice between someone who said, ‘Repeal Obamacare,’ and President Obama."

Make no mistake, the jerks(R) have one agenda, to wreck the country's economy so they have a chance at being elected, then they can further wreck it like they did after 8 years in power. Remember 2008? Absolutely sickening, but nothing new, as the Tea Party continues to destroy a once proud GOP. Go for it, idiots. The voters won't forget. As I've said many times, the Dems have LOTS of problems, but compared to the Pubs, they look like geniuses.


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