Just when I think

the jerks in Washington can't get any worse, we get another revelation, such as this one from Senate Minority Leader McConnell(R), KY

But as Congress trudges toward its next budget showdown, the Mr. Fix-It of Washington is looking more like its Invisible Man as he balances his leadership imperatives with his re-election.
“The House and the White House in the end will have to reach some kind of understanding on both these issues,” Mr. McConnell said last week as he sat in his spacious Capitol office and looked toward Sept. 30, when much of the federal government runs out of money, and mid-October, when it exhausts its borrowing authority. “I don’t intend to participate in any discussion, publicly or privately, that raises taxes or spends more than current law.”
When he should be doing everyting in his power to avert a govt shutdown, threatened by the Pubs, cuz they don't like Health Care for the American people, ALTHOUGH it has already passed, Mitch has gone into hiding, cuz his Tea Party opponents in the Great State of Kentucky (LOL), would use any hint of compromise or negotiation on his part as a sign of weakness, and his re-election is more important to him than the country's future. This is where we find ourselves, as the Repub Party goes through it's (well deserved) death throes...


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