My buddy, Dave Hardy

posted this, under, 'How Did Conservatives Become So Radical'? Remember when they were a reasonable party, and negotiation/compromise wasn't a dirty word? Before they were hijacked by the Tea Party?
Now, conservatives are “…backwards looking, generally fearful of losing their way of life in a wave of social change. To preserve their group’s social status, they’re willing to undermine long-established norms and institutions — including the law. They see political differences as a war of good versus evil in which their opponents are their enemies. For them, compromise is commensurate with defeat — not political expediency. They believe social change is subversive to the America with which they’ve become familiar, i.e., white, mainly male, Protestant, native born, straight. “Real Americans,” in other words.

“Reactionary conservatives are scared bullies – determined to defend at all costs “their Way of Life” (i.e. a mythically-pure, lily-white, Norman Rockwell America which predates Civil Rights, Roe v. Wade, gay and women’s liberation, the Great Society, the New Deal and even Teddy Roosevelt’s trust-busting). And they’ll stop at nothing to get their way.”

The 'perfect' Repub? Archie Bunker....



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