Don't know about you,

but I won't be surprised if the Pubs continue on their Kamikaze mission and shut down the gov't, rather than funding (already passed) Health Care and a debt ceiling rise, which is merely paying the debts that Congress has already rung up. They don't mention that the deficit has been on a steadily decreasing % of the GDP ever since their boy, GW, was run out of town with a 22% approval rating, and our eceonomy tanked after 8 years of Repub 'leadership'. I'm kinda hoping the jerks(R) do 'shut it down' for a while. We all remember what happened when Newt and friends pulled the same trick in 1995 and what happened in the '96 elections. If they do it again, we won't have the Repub House to screw things up, and the 'party of NO can go back to the sidelines and cozy up to their Tea Party buddies, leaving the task of running the nation in the hands of someone who doesn't bankrupt the country, while alienating the rest of the world with continual war. Good riddance....


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