In the fantasy world

of Congressional Repubs, who obviously don't know how to count to 60, they are going to get the Senate to defund Obamacare, which wouldn't make any difference anyway, cuz Obama would veto it, OR, they are gonna shut down the govt, AND the voters are gonna forget who cost the country BILLIONS of dollars as theTea Party inspired whack-jobs throw a tantrum over something that 'has ALREADY PASSED'. Don't they understand simple math? Or how representative govt works? Obviously not, as they continue their Kamikaze crusade, led by nutjobs like Ted Cruz, TX(R). Much as I can't stand him, I kinda feel sorry for Boehner, as he tries to herd of bunch of dysfunctional cats, whose only priority is to be reelected by their Tea Party constituencies, not caring about damaging the the fragile economy that they wrecked last time they were in power. What a bunch of idiots....


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