Go ahead, jerks(R),

and 'shut it down', the gov't, that is. All polls, except FOX, of course, (who assured the sheep that Romney would win), show that the vast majority of the American people will blame the Pubs, and they'll go from amused, to annoyed, to just plain pissed off. We've seen how this scenario ends, with Newt, in 1996, and it ain't pretty if you are a Pub, but I LOVE IT. As Clint said, 'Go ahead, Make My Day'.
Even Politico, a Conservative media outlet, has a message for the whack-job Pubs, today, from Repub financiers. "Wall Street: GOP Are You Nuts?" Read it here. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/09/wall-street-gop-are-you-nuts-97425.html
This just in: Some FOX news sheep are partially removing their heads from their asses and squinting toward other news sources. Believe it or NOT!


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