If you ever wondered

whether the Pubs live in an 'Echo Chamber', inside a bubble, with the Tea Party whack jobs providing the noise, just look at the latest proposal that Boehner and his lackeys presented, demanding an end to Obamacare.

Speaker John Boehner and the other leaders said, if President Obama allows more oil drilling on federal lands. And drops regulations on greenhouse gases. And builds the Keystone XL oil pipeline. And stops paying for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And makes it harder to sue for medical malpractice, roll back Wall St reforms, ETC.

 A long laundry list that the voters have already decided, BUT, the jerks(R) are demanding, OR, they will shut down the govt. I LOVE IT. These clowns are showing their true colors, and only those residing in the echo chamber bubble, provided by FOX, for the sheep, could agree with them. Is fun to witness the demise of the GOP, going down in flames, as more people realize, each day, who is to blame for the quagmire in Washington. Did I mention that I LOVE IT?


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