Not that it'll make a difference

to the crowd that gets it's news(?) from FOX, and other sites supported by the Koch bros, whose massive fortune is derived from Big Oil, but there is new evidence that climate change is caused by burning hydrocarbons, which is no big surprise to anyone outside the FOX News(?) bubble.

The IPCC, which has 195 member countries, adopted the report Friday after all-night talks at a meeting in Stockholm.
In its previous assessment, in 2007, the U.N.-sponsored panel said it was "very likely" that global warming was due to human activity, particularly the CO2 emissions resulting from the burning of coal, oil and gas.
The change means that scientists have moved from being 90 percent sure to 95 percent — about the same degree of certainty they have that smoking kills.
"At 90 percent it means there is a 10 percent probability that it's not entirely correct," said Chris Field, Carnegie Institution scientist who is a leader in the IPCC but wasn't involved in the report released Friday. "And now that's 5 percent. So it's a doubling of our confidence. That's actually a consequential change in our level of understanding.

Again, nothing new here, and the sheep will continue to keep the heads implanted firmly up their rectums, in their 'anti-science posture', but for the rest of us, it's some pretty good proof. Read it all, here.


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