When you look at

some the major groups fighting to defund Obamacare (which ain't gonna happen when the prez is named Obama and has veto power), it is pretty funny when you see their names. Much like FOX News(?) has the laughable slogan 'Fair and Balanced', the rightwingnut (yup, one word) groups have names like 'Club for Growth' and 'Affirmative Action', while espousing plans and ideas which are just the OPPOSITE of what they claim with their monikers. All part of the plan of the Koch Bros, and others like them, to hijack the middle class, with catchy sounding names, while they rewrite the rules to enrich themselves. The sad thing? A lot of the sheep just fall in line, cuz, 'Hey, I've always been a Republican', not realizing they are in conflict with their own best interests, such as affordable health care.


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