After watching Willie Nelson on Letterman last night,

then again on Charlie Rose this morning, and knowing the popular sentiment concerning legal pot, I found the article in the Post this morning very revealing, as it explained the Repub views on cannabis. As always, when in doubt, 'follow the money', esp when the Pubs are involved. As we know, most lawyers are Republican, cuz they couldn't/didn't get a 'real' job, and many Congressmen are lawyers. Seems that there's BIG money defending small time pot offenses, and even bigger money for the police depts that get to confiscate cash, vehicles and property, often making up a large % of the total budget. Throw in private (for profit) prisons, housing minor marijuana offenders, and you can understand the Repub philosophy, esp in their 'Bible Belt'. As always, just 'follow the money', while the Conservatives force their views on the majority, and make Big Money as they do it. Typical Republicans, BUT, the tide is slowly turning, as most Americans support legalization. Just ask Willie.


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