The FEC was set up to combat illegal election activities,

but it is in perpetual gridlock, with it's 6 members always at a 3-3 tie, as the Pubs are content with money being allowed to buy as many votes as possible, since the Supreme Court(R) passed Citizens United, which allows unlimited money, from unnamed donors, (who are gonna want/get results) to take over the American political system. Sickening, but just another example of how Big Money has hi-jacked the country, much to the delight of the Pubs, while the 'little people' who have the most to lose, are continually riled with 'the war on Christianity', 'terrorists are flooding over the border', and Obama's policies are gonna cause runaway inflation and kill our country's health care. All bullshit, but continually hyped from Bullshit Mountain, where the sheep get their 'news', and a continual stream of anti-Hillary articles, from the 'Fair and Balanced' network, whose main commentator was caught in 5 'provabale lies' in one month, and the sheep didn't blink, cuz NO ONE was surprised.


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