IT seems that 'Clinton Cash',

hyped incessantly on Bullshit Mountain, shows no 'wrongdoing', other than the 'appearance' of 'possible impropriety' because of the people and large sums of money involved, as the Clinton Foundation helped thousands, around the world. Sorta like Whitewater, BENGHAZI! and Hillary's private email (Surprise, she didn't want the Repubs going through all her private correspondence). Same old shit from FOXNews. Get the sheep all riled with innuendo, then fail to produce any relevant facts. No surprise, as you see the HUGE money involved, and realize the Pubs will say/do ANYTHING to get another shot at the national treasury, hoping we don't remember what they did the last time they were in charge. The Bad News? It's only gonna get worse, as the propaganda arm of the Repub party goes 'Full Blast', shoveling swill to the sheep, who 'don't need no stinkin' facts'.


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