In an attempt to connect with reality, for a change,

(cuz there's an election coming), the Pubs, through their candidates for prez, are GRADUALLY coming around to a fact that MOST of us have known for a LONG time. Jeb is a microcosm of the party, who, when asked if, 'knowing what do now, would you invade Iraq?' First he said 'Yes', then, 'I misunderstood the question', then 'it's not a fair question', then 'Well, maybe not', before he came around to the answer that the non-FOX sheep have known for a LONG time. The answer is NO. It was a terrible mistake that we'll pay for, for decades. They still claim, 'we got bad info', which is total bullshit, easily disproven by anyone who cares to look at the facts, BUT, at least they are admitting it was a mistake, which is a start, while still blaming Obama for the mess in the mideast, that is TOTALLY the fault of GW and The Dick, who kicked the hornet's nest in the first place, costing trillions, alienating the world and filling our VA hospitals, AGAIN. Hey sheep, maybe there's a reason GW got run out of town with a 22% approval rating.....


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