The main difference

between Pubs and Dems, is that the Pubs act like all govt sucks, except for a HUGE military, while they love their Social Security and Medicare, thinking capitalism is the answer to everything. BUT, the rest of the civilized world realizes not ALL things should be 'money-makers' for a few, like health care and education, and the happiest people in the world are consistently from Northern Europe, where these are provided by the 'Big Bad Government', that the Pubs hate. I can understand the 1% being Repub, BUT, when I see the little people voting for the Pubs, I see the power of FOXNews, which was the best political money EVER spent. and when I realize their base believes the story of Noah's arc, a 6000 year old earth, climate change is a hoax, Sarah Palin is presidential material and being gay is a choice, I totally understand.....
PS. For the hundredth time, I am not anti 'supreme being', but I DON'T believe in a literal Bible, for obvious reasons. When faced with 'irregularities', some claim God just 'started over' with people, 6000 yrs ago and 'The Flood' was a local event, but, that's NOT what the Bible claims, obviously.


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