Anyone who has seen the video,

of Freddy Gray being 'escorted' on to the paddy wagon in Baltimore, can tell that his legs don't work, and he is in a LOT of pain. He died 25 minutes later, with a nearly severed spinal cord. We found out today his crime was running (cuz he had been beaten by the cops, before) and the only charge they had on him was possession of a (legal) knife, originally referred to as a switchblade.
The cop(s) who killed him are being charged, in a case that has gotten national publicity, and nearly everyone is saying that seems like a good thing that someone is being held accountable.
EXCEPT for the a**holes at FOXNews, where the headline is 'Baltimore Cops Being Thrown Under The Bus', while pointing out the mayor and prosecutor are black.
Just when I think the jerks at Bullshit Mountain can't possibly get any worse, they always do. Nothing new here as the racist, anti-science shills for the Repub Party give their own, 'special' version of reality, blaming Obama for inciting riots, and the sheep eat it up. UNbelievable, but SO FOX/Republican, as they'll say/do anything, to defeat Dems.


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