Must be Saturday morning,

cuz I feel kinda dirty, after only a few minutes of FOXNews on TV, since the 'real' news I watch has the weekend off. Today, As I slowly woke up, I mistakenly landed on the MBA channel, (Mostly Bullshit-ALWAYS), and heard their X-Spurts discuss 2 events. First was their bitchin' about the cops who were charged' prematurely', a week after they killed someone who shouldn't have been arrested in the first place. Then, they turned their 'X-Spurtise' on the Iran Nuke treaty, basically saying Obama has been 'conned' and we should walk away. They all enthusiastically agreed. That leaves the other two options (negotiation is one of three), of ignoring them, or starting a war.
As our VA hospitals are overflowing with the casualties of their other 'Great Adventures' on the other side of the world, (Viet Nam and Iraq), they wanna continue their failed mission of 'Bombs and Bullets' for every problem, cuz the chickenhawks never saw a battle they didn't wanna send someone else's kids to fight.
As always, I'm amazed that otherwise intelligent people can watch this crap and think, 'Yup, them is some smart guys', but then I realize that 'the sheep' gave up on reality LONG AGO, when they consciously decided to get their 'news' from the Repub Propaganda site known as Bullshit Mountain.


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