The list is out, and it hasn't changed

'The Happiest Countries in the World',

remain pretty much the same. They are almost all in northern Europe, and they are nearly all, (GASP), what the rightwingnuts would call, socialist, which means they are taxed more, BUT, those taxes pay for health care and higher education, which translates to happier people. The rightwingnuts don't realize that the higher taxes are actually a bargain, when all costs are figured in, and the people love it. Whenever we travel the reactions are the same. They can't believe the high prices we pay for health care and education, BUT, the rightwingnuts have made socialism a dirty word, and Big Money isn't about to relax it's grip on 'money from the masses'. Nothing new here, as Bullshit Mountain tells the sheep what to think, and they dutifully agree, as more education is the LAST thing the Pubs want, cuz better education=Dems, and the Repubs want 'em barefoot, pregnant and UNeducated, to keep 'em in the fold, and voting like their Propaganda Arm (FOX) instructs them, esp in their stronghold, the Southern Bible Belt, where the majority believe the earth is 6000 years old, and Noah's Ark was REAL and climate change is a hoax. True Republicans.....


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