Just wondering,

how the Pubs deal with:

Obamacare's gonna wreck the medical system. (People love it and premium {rate of increase} DOWN)
Obama is gonna wreck the economy. (Highest stock market, lowest interest rates and unemployment)
Obama's birth certificate is fake, (The Donald guarantees it)
Hillary is too rich to be prez (Their candidate was Mitt)
Hillary is too old to be prez. (their candidate was McCain, with Sarah as VP)
Climate change is a hoax, (Record high world temps, 14 of 15 years, look at TX and CA)
Being gay is a choice, and a sin
Iraq has nukes, let's attack (never mind)
VA hospitals are in trouble cuz of Obama, not Repub wars
Banks deserve big profits instead of breaks for students and their loans
Big Oil needs 'depletion allowance tax breaks
Pot smokers should go to jail but big bankers who wrecked the economy deserve a wrist slap
GW and The Dick aren't war criminals (they can't travel the world, cuz they'd be arrested)
FOX is 'truth', NOT Repub propaganda (just ask the sheep)

Bottom line, when in doubt, just listen to FOX, and believe the opposite.


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