Today, from Bullshit Mountain,

between the multitudes of anti-Hillary articles, (Why Don't the Scandals Stick?), the 'Fair and Balanced' clowns push one of their favorites for prez. Dr Ben Carson loves to say 'I'm not a polotician', sorta like the FOXCrowd loves to say 'I'm not a scientist, BUT, this is why you should believe me, rather than the REAL scientists', and the sheep eat it up.
Dr Ben, NOT a politician, (would you go to a physician who says 'I'm not a Dr, but?) wants the #1 political job in the world, and shows his remarkable intelligence by proclaiming,

Carson (“I’m not a politician”) became a Tea Party hero when he began denouncing Obamacare (“the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery”), comparing American society to Nazi Germany and claiming the president resembled “most psychopaths.”
Yup, this is FOXNews gold, and the sheep who have no problem with the party that wrecked our economy last time they were in charge oughta love him, as he takes his place in the clown car, trying to prove how electable he is. What a joke....


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