After being caught on a hot mic

bragging about 'not being able to help himself' and saying 'you can do anything you want', including 'grab them by the pussy', Trump was asked about his own remarks during the second debate. When asked if he had actually done what he claimed to do, he 'denied it all', in front of a national audience.
When women, who he HAD attacked, just like Bill Cosby's victims, spoke up, he accused the 'media' and the 'Clinton campaign' of orchestrating the attacks.
And his double digit IQ followers BELIEVE him! Are you kidding? How stupid ARE these people?
Never mind, they are FOXSheep, for whom NO LIE IS TOO OUTRAGEOUS.
They have been lied to FOREVER, and it just doesn't matter. SO, when Trump says it's 'all fixed' and elections can't be trusted, they nod and say BAA/AMEN. Some things never change, but just when I think 'This latest gaffe HAS to open the eyes of the sheep', I'm continually proven wrong. Wow........
They claim the 'media' is biased against Trump cuz they spend more time on Trump's 'Grab them by the pussy', than Hillary's 'e-mail scandal', which is boring bullshit. UNBELIEVABLE! What do you think gets ratings, which is what the business is all about?
Again I find myself in the untenable position of using 'logic' on Evangelicals for Trump, which is the MOST ILLOGICAL group of all time. Excuse me for being SO stupid...


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