AOL tries to be non-partisan,

but definitely leans conservative. I have kept my AOL address mainly because for the monthly price of $5.99, I get an excellent 'security system, to protect from on-line hacks and mal-ware, BUT, that's not my point today. AOL News had two interesting articles today, one about states with the most 'broke' people and the other about states that got the most 'Govt Aid' to it's people. Both lists read like a 'Who's Who' of Red States.
Yup, if you are broke, and/or on govt assistance, odds are overwhelming that you live in a Red State.
And guess who pays the bills for the non-achievers? That would be the Blue States.
Google it any way you can.
The Southern Bible Belt, base of the Pub party, is the 'bottom of the barrel', in US economics.
Of course the typical Repubs want 'CHANGE', cuz they aren't making it in today's world. Duh, coal mines aren't the future, and there's an undeniable link, Education>Income>More likely to be Dem.
The Pubs love to say/think, 'we are the SMART and PROSPEROUS ones!'
The only problem? Real statistics prove just the opposite!
Nothing new here, but nice to see it proven, AGAIN.

FinanceThe Street

State is the most dependent on the federal government

Driven by a weak economy, Washington dollars make up a near-plurality of these Southern state's dollars.


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