Because I've managed to avoid them,

by changing channels whenever they appeared on CNBC, I'd forgotten how much I can't stand Larry Kudlow and Maria Caruso Cabrerra. Total partisan hacks, like Rudy Giuliani who have an agenda, just like the entire crew at FOX/PARP, and that's to hammer home one point. Dems BAD, Pubs GOOD. No exceptions.
Like The Donald said, 'I could shoot someone in Times Square, and not lose any of my support.' How true. The low-info minions, lead by cheerleaders like Kudlow and Giuliani exist in a world of absolutes, and the MAIN one is, 'whatever Pubs say or do, it is wonderful', even when a clown like Trump(R) spouts utter foolishness. They lost any shred of credibility LONG ago...


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