Seems we weren't the only Americans in Prague

on Oct 5. US authorities arrested a hacker, reportedly backed by Russia, for hacking into sensitive e-mails, with the intent of influencing the US election, in favor of The Donald. Duh, I wonder why Putin and friends would rather have Trump in charge? Compared to that clown they'd look 'diplomatic and reasonable' on the world stage. While we were in 'central Prague' at the same time/place the hacker was nabbed, we were repeatedly asked about Trump, when people found out we were American, by the locals and other travelers. They were universally shocked/scared that the US could back such a buffoon.
I continually assured them that the clown doesn't have a chance. It's true that MANY people in the US are uninformed, unintelligent dissatisfied sheep, but not a majority. That seemed to calm them.
I really TRY, not to be the 'Ugly American' when I travel, and most of the natives appreciate it.
One thing I continually notice, is that my blog keeps getting more world-wide views, sometimes approaching nearly half, as I try to explain that FOXNews is nothing but PARP, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, and they(R) are in a definite decline, for obvious reasons. Without Bullshit Mountain, catapulting the propaganda, with outright lies, Trump wouldn't exist on the national political stage. But, they do, and he does, cuz PARP has the sheep convinced that THEY are the ONE AND ONLY source of truth, and all the OTHER news outlets are in a massive, liberal plot to spread disinformation. The fact that Blue States are WAY above (educationally and economically) the Red States is beyond comprehension for the sheep. Must be a HUUUGE coincidence.....
There. I've done my patriotic duty, AGAIN. You're welcome....


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