As the Orange Clown flaunts the Democratic process,

by saying he wouldn't recognize the American voting process, many Big Wig Repubs condemned him, BUT, all the hypocrites also said they would vote for him. SO hypocritical and SO Republican. Nothing new here, but sickening, just the same, as the Pub party sinks to the level of their deplorable candidate. The good news? Adios, a**holes...
As I write this, I see a Trump ad on TV. He bitches about Dem spending, BUT, promises an 'across the board' 30% tax cut for ALL Americans, (actually MORE for the 1%). WTF? And, then he has an ad where some woman saved her life by carrying a gun, saying 'Hillary wants to take away that right'. WTF? She has NEVER said that, but the low-info sheep believe it.
 Lies on top of lies. I have never seen the American people 'played' like they are by the Orange Clown. Nothing new here, but c'mon, how stupid are you?
BTW Non partisan Politifact showed Trump 'outlied' Clinton TEN TO ONE! Does this matter to the sheep? Not at all! They've been lied to , FOREVER by FOXNews. Nothing new here...


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