Cuz I'm a real political junkie,

I watched, and REALLY enjoyed the Al Smith Dinner tonight, as Hillary and the Orange Clown attended and sat (sorta) next to each other. Bottom line, Hillary killed and The Donald was the first EVER candidate to get BOOED,several times (by priests), at the light-hearted comedic, charity event.
One of the funnest moments was when Hillary skewered the consummate dickhead, Rudy Giliani, and everyone laughed, AT him not with him. She mentioned how Dickalani made his name prosecuting 'tax cheaters' but, he decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, on FOX news, and call them a financial genius. Everyone laughed, but Rudy, the weaseliest of the weasels(R).
Bottom line, I wish the event had the audience of the debate, as it was MUCH more entertaining, and Hillary 'roasted' Trump, in a funny way, while the Donald went over like a turd in a punch bowl.
Nothing new here, but GREAT to see....
AND, we learned that Maria Bartaromo has some 'Big 'Ol Boobs', as she flashed 'em all over......


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