OK, I'm startnig to come around

to the Repub point of view, admitting 'we need change'. To tell the truth, I've had some problems with Drs, in the past, SO, now that I need major surgery, to save my life, I'm leaning Repub, with my thoughts.
No more Drs!
I've decided to have a local used car salesman operate on my malignant brain tumor. Yup, we need change, and I'm willing to take a chance on my future, with someone totally unqualified, who has ZERO experience. BUT, I am gonna 'make a statement' and show them damn Drs.
BTW, am seeing another Trump ad on TV, as I write, featuring a woman from IN, who pulled a gun on her attacker, saying, 'If Hillary had her way, I wouldn't be here.' OH REALLY?
If you weren't a convicted felon, buying your gun online, with no background check, Hillary would have NO PROBLEM with you, or me, carrying a gun.
But the sheep believe this crap! How stupid are they? Never mind, they are sheep. Bottom line... REALLY stupid. And they vote Repub.


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