Wow, we hadn't heard THAT for a while,

and it's one of the Pub's favorite lies, rilin' up the gun loving sheep. Trump's kid, the Eddie Munster look-alike, was in Colorado today, and visited a gun range. Guess what? He claimed that 'Hillary is gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS!'
And the sheep went crazy, being fed red meat (lies) from the Pubs.
What kind of idiot believes this crap? Oh yeah the sheep.
They don't need no stinkin' facts! They're happy swallowing lies. Nothing new here, but c'mon...
If you're gonna spread lies, pick one that's a little bit REAL....
Who's gonna take 'em? The police, No way. The military? No way. The DNC, ha ha.
Oh yeah the UN troops, who are gonna invade and take over our country. How stupid do you have to be, to be a card carrying Repub?
REALLY stupid, without a doubt, but this LIE, that works for the morons, is 'off the chart'.
PS Eddie is also talking about 'education' saying how important it is. I agree. Most people agree that a college education is a major step in creating a better life and a higher income.
BUT, what he didn't mention is that those who 'stick it out' and make the sacrifices necessary to get that diploma, are overwhelmingly Democrats. No shit! Uneducated, hillbilly Bible Belt welfare recipients? HUUUGELY Republican. Don't believe it? LOOK IT UP!


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