As I read, 'Sarum, A Novel of England',

the longest, by FAR, novel I've ever read, that takes the island from the time of 'cavemen' to modern time, through the eyes of masons, I'm learning a LOT, incl how the Catholic 'Saint's' were created.
Sarum, or as we know it, Salisbury, built a YUUUUGE cathedral, but it was worthless, (as per producing income, from the sheep), until it was associated with a 'saint', and Osmund was their best chance.
The Papists in Rome didn't give away sainthood cheaply, cuz it was a YUUUUGE moneymaker, allowing the local priests to pray people OUT of hell, as well as forgiving sins for those who were headed to Hell, and LOTS of other money making schemes, incl perpetual sheep based tourism, and all that included.
The first thing the cathedral commissioned was a YUUUGE painting of Hell, with the Biblical Lake of Fire, to scare the sheep, then they charged, for them, and their relatives, to avoid Eternal burning, by giving money and property to the 'church'. gaining YUUUUGE real estate holdings, plus the cash, etc.
It's all history, well recorded. Google it.
Salisbury was charged the going rate, or one year's worth of income, for the entire city, BUT, it was a bargain, cuz it insured a perpetual income for the church and clergy, to keep the sheep 'out of Hell'. a bargain for all.
As always, the Church wasn't so much worried about 'Miracles' as compared to 'Fees', and it made the Vatican the world's Largest, most Profitable business on earth, (to this day) BY FAR, as the sheep PAID and paid some more, and more, incl 10% 'tithes'. to the 'holy' men.
This, along with the Inquisition and laws made by the Kings, in league with the Pope, insured there were no 'competitors' for men's souls and fortunes.
As science GRADUALLY showed the the sun, not the earth was the center of the universe, the earth ISN'T 6000 years old, as well as OBVIOUS myths, and the educated among us made alternate choices, BUT, the church/govt kept control of the masses, cuz their loving God would condemn their souls to eternal torture, for sins like lust, greed and envy.
Could write more, but you get the gist. as the sheep rally behind the Pussy Grabber, to save their souls, and the church made a FORTUNE (the world's largest by far), with the fear of eternal burning in Hell.
Some things never change, as the rightwingnut Trumpies take over our country, with the help of FOX-PARP and Big Religion/Oil/Money/Pharma/Defense(R).
Again, nothing against true spirituality, BUT, making a business out of 'saving souls', and a 'literal' Bible just doesn't make any sense to a thinking mind.....


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