I WAS gonna blog about figures from Dotard's steel and aluminum tariffs

showing they would/will cost WAY more jobs than they will save/create, even in the rust belt states, home to his double digit IQ voters.
Even Steel Workers Unions say NO to his steel tariffs.
Indiana would gain 600 aluminum jobs, while losing over 7000 automotive jobs.
BUT, then I realized whatever stats, tablex or figures I used, Dotard's sheep wouldn't understand or care, cuuuuuuzzzzzzz, that's who they are.

The rest of us already know that trade wars are bad according to ALL economists, while the Orange Clown claims, 'Trade Wars are good, and easy to win',
I can't compete with ignorance like that, so why even try?
Facts, truth and reality 'left the building' long ago, as the jerk who bragged, 'Lie to them three times, then they'll believe you', has taken over a third of the country, and they don't give a shit about truth and facts, as long as they have FOX to tell them what they want to hear.


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