The Pubs are bitchin’,

Cuz the investigation into Russian interference has lasted 397 days. Iran-Contra, when Reagan and Ollie North waged an illegal war, financed by drugs bought in Central America and sold in America, took 2420 days and the true ‘witchhunt’ of the Whitewater fiasco had the Repub jerks, led by Ken Starr, hounding Bill Clinton for 2978 days, before they busted him for a blowjob.
BUT, 397 days, after 11 of Dotards campaign stafff have been shown to have ties to the Russians is ‘too damn long’.
Everyone knows these assholes are just trying to undermine Mueller, a Repub appointed Repub and his investigation into what ALL the US intel agencies say happened.
Putin and his crew put Dotard ‘over the top’ and installed their boy in the White House.
You rightwingnut whackjobs ever ask yourself WHY they wanted him so much?
It’s obvious to anyone who looks, as the vain, arrogant unqualified jerk wrecks the world economy, after firing his qualified people, IF they didn’t quit first.
Mueller is simply getting all his ducks in a row, then we’re gonna see HOW and WHY our sworn enemy put Dotard in office.
Just be patient...


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