Nearly every Pub I know has the same attitude,

as in 'We're Number One', and the rest of the world can kiss our ass.
Patriotism is fine, until you take it the point they do, where we are 'exceptional' and the rest of the world is inferior, which is SO not true, by whatever methods of measurement you use.
Our country is made up of immigrants from the same countries Dotard just trashed at the G7.
There are VERY few people alive who were there, when the US of A last won a war (1945), and that was with the help of our ALLIES, who Trump is now dumping all over.
Since then there's been Korea, a draw at best, and an ignominious defeat in Viet Nam. Remember the fall of Saigon?
And there are the ONGOING wars in Iraq (based on Repub LIES) and Afg that fill the 'defense' contractors bank accounts and our VA hospitals, but victory is nowhere in sight.
BTW, the Liar in Chief promised to get us out of those quagmires, but, SURPRISE, he LIED.
In the eyes of Pubs, and put into words by one I know, there'd be fewer world problems, if they'd just 'do what we told them to do'.
No shit, actual quote.
And you wonder how we got the totally unqualified 'raging narcissist' in the White House?
Plain old ignorance and gullibiltiy, spawned and supported by FOXNews.
Remove Roger Ailes' propaganda machine(R) and there would be no Dotard in charge, no matter HOW MUCH Russia tried to install him, in an obvious attempt (and a very good one) to weaken America, by splitting us from our allies in Europe and all over the world.
Thanks again, Roger.....


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