OK, rightwingnuts, I realize Rush and Sean know MORE

than the Climatologist who wasted all those years in SCIENCE classes, where the Liberals get their stupid ideas, BUT, as we are at 101 in the Denver Boulder area, and its gonna be hotter tomorrow, I tend to question the wisom of the FOXNews ‘Bullshit Catapulters’ who further the ANTI Science policy of the Head Up Their Ass party,
Yup, tomorrow we are at 103, or more, breaking records AGAIN, by over 4 degrees, as our mountains in the southwest got less than 10 per cent of average precipitation.
Too bad for the Phoenix/Las Vegas minions who refuse to believe reality as their water supply disappears, and they worship the world of FOXCrap.
Bottom line, not my problem, BUT, there will be a time when the minions say, ‘Wow, who da thunk them Liberals coulda been right about climate change’?
BTW, Broomfield, where I live, recognized the problem and locked up YUUUUGE water rights, LONG AGO, cuz the people we elected actually believe and understand the problem, and took steps to position our community for the OBVIOUS future.
Who da thunk them Dem Libs could see REALITY?
Not the FOXSheep, that’s for sure.....


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