Wow, who da thunk you could fool those Brainiacs?

Yup, just like the farmers and ranchers who are gonna get hit HARD by Dotards tariffs, along with all manufacturers who use steel and or aluminum, now one of the Clowns fave companies, Harley Davidson is projected to lose over $100 mil in sales PLUS move some mfg overseas to avoid a 31% tariff.
This, while US and world markets tank after Dotards talk of MORE tariffs. AND, now his MAIN base, that includes the Bible Belters, is gonna get hit REAL hard as he cracks down on Food Stamps.
Like Alanis Morrison says, Isn’t It Ironic?

Working-class, rural white voters who overwhelmingly supported President Donald Trump and on whom he has staked the future of the Republican Party will bear the heaviest burden of GOP attempts to cut back on food stamps.

Read Newsmax: Trump Voters Will Be Hit Hard By Food Stamps Cuts |


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